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Bojana Jerković-Babović was born in Belgrade, Serbia in 1990. She graduated from the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture earning the Bachelor’s degree in 2012 and Master of Architecture degree in 2014. In 2014 she enrolled in PhD studies and completed with 9.9 average mark.


In 2022 she defended her Doctoral Dissertation titled THE INSTRUMENTALISATION OF THE FLUIDITY PHENOMENON IN THE XXI CENTURY ARCHITECTURE at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture earning the title - PhD in Architecture. 


She passed the State license exam in 2018. BJB is licensed architectural designer since 2024 (AP02 Architectural license).

She is a member of Association of Belgrade Architects (DAB), Society for Architectural Aesthetics and Visual Arts in Serbia (DEAVUS) and International Aesthetics Association (IAA).

She was awarded with the Milorad Macura Annual Award for the Best Master project and Master thesis in 2014, by the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia.

The awarded Master project DECELERATING THE FLOW was also nominated by University of Belgrade-Faculty of Architecture for the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) President Medals Award and was selected into the 100 best Master projects in the world for the 2014.

She was awarded with the he Milorad Macura Annual Award for the Best Doctoral dissertation -THE INSTRUMENTALISATION OF THE FLUIDITY PHENOMENON IN THE XXI CENTURY ARCHITECTURE- in the field of Architecture and Urbanism in 2022, by unanimous decision of the committee of the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia.

As an author she exhibited projects on numerous national and international exhibitions in the fields of design, architecture and urbanism, such as: Salon of Architecture in Belgrade, Salon of Architecture in Novi Sad, Balkan Architectural Biennale, RIBA International exhibition in London, International Salon of Urbanism, Strand, Days of Architecture in Sarajevo, Days of Architecture in Banja Luka etc.

She is author of numerous built projects of interior architecture, adaptations and reconstructions, spatial installations, open public spaces etc. She is an active participant in national and international architectural competitions. Among other recognitions, she was awarded with the first prize at the competition by the Center for the promotion of science for the project of Interactive exhibits in scientific parks in Serbia, which is built.

She actively presents her scientific research on international conferences and congresses. She is author of ca. 30 published scientific papers in national and international scientific publications.

As a young researcher she has been engaged in scientific research project by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia and in research laboratories at University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture.

She has been employed as a Teaching Assistant at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture at the Department of Architecture since 2015, with numerous engagements in teaching architectural design, interior architecture and design. She was a Secretary of Department of Architecture from 2016 to 2020, until maternity leave.

More than anything, she is proud to be a beloved mother and wife.

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